Have you been struggling with debt for years? Don’t be ashamed if you have been. Millions of Americans struggle to stay on top of their financial obligations, and every month many of these individuals have to make hard decisions about which bills they’ll pay and which...
Bankruptcy, Debt Negotiation, Wills & Personal Injury Representation
Year: 2023
You can rebuild your credit after bankruptcy
If you're struggling with overwhelming debt, filing for personal bankruptcy is one of the best things you can do to stop falling behind and start rebuilding your life. However, once you've gone through the process, you won't have an entirely clean slate to work with....
Avoid these mistakes in your bankruptcy case
Millions of Americans face insurmountable, overwhelming debt. For some, it can take years or even decades of hard work and sacrifice to climb out of the debt spiral they found themselves in. For others, though, the black hole of debt will never let them escape....
Five of the biggest myths about personal bankruptcy
A lot of Americans are struggling with debt. For some, their financial obligations are so overwhelming that they’re facing severe consequences, including home foreclosure and vehicle repossession. But even if you’re in that position, you might be hesitant to seek...